The name of the story is the best father . My dear father

Best father

The name of the story is the best father

An industrialist's father is the only son of his father to celebrate his birthday
Claimed two lakh rupees.

In the meantime, the mother came and said that our only son will have this wealth all one day.
Give it up, do not trouble him.

Father said that if my son was put in the plane of a flying plane pilot, he would have taken the responsibility of the plane on his son. What would you like to say?

The woman did not make any arguments because she understood the husband becoming an industrialist from the middle class.
Dad said,
All right, I'll give 2 lakh to your son if he can earn me 200 Taka by earning me tomorrow.

Sleeping baby noses all night;
Only 200 dollars! Lull,
The father can see tomorrow, the boy is able to take charge of his assets.
The next morning, at 7am, Father raised his son from the bed.

State's annoyance in the eyes of the son; Will you have to wake up so much for just 200 rupees ??
The boy came out to earn 200 rupees by selling flowers at a time.

There is no money in the pocket, but the father gave a spy. After going out of the house, it looks like now in a sea.
Where to get money without capital Can not borrow from anyone, anyone can not get help. Can not beg We have to work hard to earn.
It was noon to think about thinking.
A rickshaw garage in front; They did not get rickshaws in the place where they were roamed.
Suddenly, the head did not get the rickshaw, but the rickshaw can be tossed.

Then he would have pushed one of the high bridges behind him with a rickshaw puller. In exchange, the passengers would have paid 1 rupee.
Nanddulal did not do any work in Nadushudushush, one glass of water did not poke himself. And today, the rickshaw pulls in the sunshine,
In this way 10 taka rickshaw in 10 hours earning 10 rupees, the number 11 rickshaw went out and knees.
To get up again, the passenger gave a one-rupee coin to the eyes and the eyes came crying.
After a couple of hours, the pain of haathi began to become more tibra.
By the evening, it was only 40 rupees.
Tired of being extremely tired, the body seems to be deceiving himself.

Finally, he returned home with only 40 rupees. In front of my father, 40 rupees in my father's hands, hugging father and weeping said, I did not have Dad.
The father laughing a glow after seeing his son's tired tired look, a torn piece near Hathor. Having put his son's shoulders on his shoulders, he said, "Now I will go to Buriganga Bridge from Dhanmondi with no questions.

Why do four or four cars and two regular drivers walk?
Father looked in the eyes of his father and said, "I am here in a little bit like this today in the position of father Amita." I did not get the speed of the car or the plane. You are suffering only one day. Have a little patience
Father and son reached the bridge at three o'clock in the hands of a tired boy.
Standing on the calm river, the railing of the bridge, the father said,
You did not give me 40 rupees in my hand!
Yes, my first earnings in life.

I know you had to do a lot of hard work to earn this money. Now listen to what you say. I know that my son is very good at Mathematics since a short time. So hopefully you can count well. Now I will throw 40 bucks of your earnings in the water and you will say how many rest.
After the father's son, the water came back to the water.
The father threw a coin with his strength in the water away from the bridge and said, how many are now.
When the boy saw her soaked in water in the water of the river, she cried and said, "Father 39." In this way one of the first earnings of life was to throw all the money in so much trouble, and the boy started counting, thirty-eight, thirty-seven, thirty-seven.

Under such circumstances, the boy is silent.
Do not forget the last money
He stopped the money and said to his son, 40 rupees of your earning today, I have crushed you to ruin and how much of my money have you lost in such a way that you have? Where do I weep once?

Today, as you feel in your feelings, I feel the same feeling as well as feeling the pain.
I left your last money, this is my child's first earning money, it is a proud reception for a father, it will be remembered as a memory until I die.
You take two lakhs of money from your mother tomorrow.
When Father heard these words, the boy hugged his father and cried out loudly, Dad said I will not need money.
I have not learned anything at school in college so much that you taught today, you are the best father in the world.
Nobody can be a teacher higher than an ideal father. An ideal father is the best teacher in the world.
Dad smiled and said, why not? Tomorrow you will take money from your mother and I hope you will celebrate the birthday of your best.

The next day, the boy took a money shop from his mother and took a two-year-old friend with a middle-class friend who worked as a working partner for two friends.
After inaugurating the shop on birthday, industrialist father embraced the boy ....

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